Saturday, June 13, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

We are going to be trying to catch up on lost time over the next few days on posts. So to get that process started, here are some photos from Memorial Day weekend....I know, almost a month ago. Here is a link to the full album and there are some videos to watch there also.

From MemorialWknd2009
Pushing cousin Ellie around in the Cozy Coupe. They had a blast taking turns.

From MemorialWknd2009
Boat Rides!
From MemorialWknd2009

From MemorialWknd2009
Playing in the pool....Sammy had fun too apparently.

From MemorialWknd2009
Bath time with Ellie....blackmail for teen-age years!

From MemorialWknd2009
Ryne's first pool experience. He must have spent over an hour playing in the pool!

From MemorialWknd2009
A bloodline picture.