Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And so it begins...

Last weekend Ryne attended his first Cubs game ever! Yep, he's officially a Cubs fan now. Unfortunately it was not at Wrigley Field as we went to Cincinnati to watch them play the Reds. I am waiting until Ryne is older for his first Wrigley experience. Great American Ballpark is a really accomodating stadium and it worked out well for him. We were nervous the game didn't start until 7pm when he normally goes to bed at 7:30pm, but he was a champ. It wasn't until about 9pm that he started getting a little restless, and dad was able to put him in the stroller and walk around the concourse with him. He was having a blast watching all the people. The game went to extra innings where the Cubs eventually lost, but we left after 9 innings at 10pm to get him to the hotel and asleep. Here are some great pictures.

From June 2009

From June 2009
Dad giving Ryne instructions about how to cheer for the Cubs!

From June 2009
Perhaps my favorite picture.

From June 2009

Ryne in the ballpark. He really did a great job. He turned into quite a flirt also, flirting and playing peek-a-boo with the girl behind us. Ryne even clapped at several times during the game, although some of those times were when Reds fans where cheering/clapping. But hey, he's only 1-year old...clapping for any baseball is fine by me!

The next day we went with the family to the Cincinatti Zoo. Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Aunt's, Uncles, and Cousin Penny were all there with us. It was a great time and here are some of our favorite pictures.

From June 2009
Outside the Zoo with mom!

From June 2009
Ryne and Penny ready to go in!

From June 2009
Fun with Grandma

From June 2009
Krista and Emily are weird

From June 2009
Mid day nap. Sometimes we call him Ryne the Lion...he decided to nap along with the Lion in the background.

From June 2009
Train ride, he thought it was so fun.

From June 2009
Playing in the ropes in the kid's zoo

From June 2009
The goat really came out of nowhere and startled him at the petting zoo. After the initial shock, he was all giggles.


Mandy Harrison said...

Love the pic of you and Ryne in your Cubs gear, even though I am not a Cubs fan! Go Cards!