Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Touring Wrigley Field

This past weekend we went to Chicago with our friends Rob and Kristen to tour Wrigley Field. This is something that we've wanted to do for oh so long, but its difficult because tours don't happen often when the team is in town. There were still some parts of the field and stadium that Kyle wishes they would have let him see, but all in all it was very memorable. We have all the pictures in our August 2009 album to the right. Here are just a few.

From August2009
From right field bleachers - there was a HS All American game going on.

From August2009
In the press box

From August2009
The famous Wrigley organ!

From August2009
Inside the Cubs clubhouse. Wrigley is very old so the clubhouses are extremely small. Unfortunately plastic had been put up because the Iowa Cubs (AAA) were coming in town the next day to play a AAA game and they didn't want the minor league players messing with the big boys stuff. Nonetheless it was great just picturing the guys in my mind sitting around before a game and I remember the video footage of the champaign celebration last year in there when the clinched the division.

From August2009
Ryno's Hall of Fame frame in the hallway on the way down to the dugout.

From August2009
In the dugout. Much smaller than I ever imagined. Very easy to hit your head on the ceiling.

From August2009
The greatest scoreboard in sports, a view from the field.

From August2009
From the field view. Normally packed with 40,000+

From August2009
Behind home plate

From August2009

The brick backstop.

We had a great time and it was well worth the trip!